Kurnn Ray - Cosmic Legions OxKrewe log entry

Qorgonox Log Entry : 901.23

//begin signal//

Qorgonox Log Entry – 901.23

There is someone watching us. As our celebration at surviving the scapeback attack was winding down, we spotted a figure to the far west of our camp. They were looking at us from atop a tall ridge, and from what we could see in the scope viewer, they did not look anything like the natives we have encountered so far.

This figure was well outfitted and equipped, and not like UkHa with his random assortment of cast-off tech. This figure was armed with weaponry and gear that was clearly purposeful (see attached image which we captured in the scope). We could not see much of the figure’s form, as it was covered by a heavy coat and large helmet, but as soon as we began to move to investigate further, the figure disappeared.

We quickly moved to our range finders to try to locate the figure or to detect movement, but we got no readings. It was as if whoever we saw just disappeared. Orvar suggested that we had imagined it, perhaps delirious by our revelry at our near brush with death, but Vellok brushed off this comment. He had seen it too. He has the eyes of a pilot, and he said there was no mistaking it, someone, or something, was out there.

For now we are back to double shifts on guard duty. The stanchions remain down, but the Thraxxians have said we will be safe. Uularia has suggested that we should seek the scouts out to ask them about this stranger we saw. Even if we could find the Thraxxians, none of us can communicate with them the way that UkHa could, and he has returned to his settlement with his spoils from the bartering we did.

On that note, our comm gear is now amplified and it should be reaching farther off-world now. For that reason, I will make this entry quick and end, as always, with our crew’s distress signal.

::/DISTRESS SIGNAL – AEXOR3 VESSEL DESIGNATION:QORGONOX REQUESTING IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. Current location = Thraxxon. Current status = 6 surviving crew members. Believed to be currently safe. Native contact made – multiple species. COMM BAND REPLY REQUESTED. IMMEDIATE EVACUATION REQUESTED./::

//end signal//

Kurnn Ray Cosmic Legions action figure



//ALERT::transmission intercepted - sender unknown - signal scrambled - translated relay below//


[signal established]

Intruders here. Come get.


[X--Xconnection severedX--X]



The story of the OxKrewe will continue...

Published on 09.01.23

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