If you follow any of the customizers and photographers who regulary share images of their Mythic Legions figures, you have undoubtedly also seen the work of the team behind this feature. Crashbox Customs and their "Mythic Pieces" have become a wonderful addition to Mythic displays and photography, but this team has done so much more than just those stunning pieces!
First off, introduce yourselves!
Kris and Kellie Pinkerton, better known collectively as Crashbox Customs. We have been bringing our “Mythic Pieces” Modular Diorama System to you during this special time in history.
When did you first begin building dioramas?
We started back in 2015, making foam scraps on our kitchen table. Transformers was the name of the game then. We created a ton of Detolf shelf displays, with light up insignias.
Bought our first “robot assistant,” a Cricut Air 2. Now we are outnumbered by the robots!

How did you first get introduced to Mythic Legions?
NJCC 2018 in Cherry Hill NJ. I knew OF Mythic Legions, but for some reason thought they were 4” figures, and didn’t even look at them twice. At that show, several of my Realm of Collectors brothers (JD Brosius, Dave Colon, and Dom Grasso) showed me the line (that they had been rabidly collecting.) Another friend was selling a few Mythics and I scooped them up, and haven’t looked back.
What made you decide to start building dioramas for Mythic Legions?
Honestly, Trevor’s picture of the Orc on the throne. I saw that picture (which I have hanging on my wall) online and it struck a chord with me. Megalopolis Toys commissioned us to make several projects for them, which led to us creating the “Mythic Hall” for Ben and the team over there (images of those are below). The “Mythic Pieces” collection spawned out of the reaction to that big set (images of those are above).
Tell us a little about your process for creating the dioramas.
We like to use real life settings as inspiration - many ideas come from watching movies and TV shows. Some scenes in Lord of the Rings helped shape the concepts for our Mythic Hall. The designs are created on the computer, and our two CNC Machines cut out the patterns that we then assemble, paint, and finish before shipping out to their new homes. Our latest preorder features a collaboration with the talented artists at MAFC - so awesome to be able to work with Rob and the team to come up with some great offerings for fans of both of our companies’ work.
Outside of Mythic Legions diorama pieces, what others have you created?
We have a relationship with Mezco Toyz and have created all of their show displays for the past year. We also work with D-Amazing to create diorama pieces for the product photography that Mezco uses in their promotional material for the exclusive figure releases. We have done countless other projects, from back alleys to space hallways and everything in between.
What would fans of your work be surprised to learn about your art?
Kellie - Before building dioramas, I never thought of myself as an artistic person (and still don’t!) I can’t draw a straight line to save my life!
Kris - People often seem surprised to learn that we use CNC machines to cut out our patterns. Also Kellie does 95% of the painting!
Which Mythic Legions figures are your favorites to date?
Kris: I’d have to say Brother Mandibulus. He has such a great shelf presence.
Kellie: We recently got some of the Shadow Elves, those are my current favorites.
Where can fans of your work see more or maybe purchase some of your pieces for themselves?
All of our products are now sold through our website at crashboxcustoms.com.
Crashbox Customs all across the galaxy - Facebook, Instagram, Youtube

Published on 10.27.20