If you made a list of the assorted races found across different examples of fantasy, goblins are sure to be a popular entry on almost everyone’s ballot. It is not surprising that these diminutive menaces eventually found their way into the Realm of Mythoss. Combining some of the zany chaos of Jim Henson’s Labyrinth with the overwhelmingly destructive capabilities of JRR Tolkien’s goblins, the various sub-races of goblins have proven to be wildly popular with Mythic Legions fans. In this "Races of Mythoss" article, we will look as various races of goblins, and the numerous goblin figures, that we have thus far seen in the Mythic Legions line.
Bog Goblins
The first goblin that was released in Mythic Legions was part of our very first series – the Kickstarter-fueled “1.0 wave”. One of the “greater goblin” sub-races, Bog Goblins are “vicious and surly, amphibious in nature” and “well suited to hiding away in their swampland homes.” The description of these vile creatures goes on to explain that “of all the Greater Goblin subspecies, this filthy breed is the most willing to serve in the armies of the dark forces. Armed with the ability to vomit a hot and sticky black bile at their enemies, Bog Goblins are feared by even the bravest warrior.”

Cavern Goblins
Deep in the subterranean caverns of the Greyvein Mountains exists one of the most populous of all armies in Mythoss (and the most populous goblin sub-species in the Mythic Legions line) – the cavern goblins of Gobhollow. These green-skinned menaces are what most people imagine when they picture “goblins”. Led by the scheming King No’Glin, the cavern goblins have aligned themselves with the Legion of Arethyr, as well as their Greyvein Mountain neighbors the Cavern Dwarves. All of this information can be found in the bio for King No'Glin, which reads:
The caverns deep below the Grayvein Mountains have the distinction of being home to not only one, but two sprawling kingdoms. Locked in what seemed like an eternal conflict over land and resources, King No’glin of the cave goblins and King Bromdenn Ironjaw of the cave dwarves have suddenly found common ground. The two kings have aligned their armies, skills and resources to aid Gorgo Aetherblade in hope of expanding their kingdoms’ reaches upon Arethyr’s return.

The ranks of the Goblin Army are populated by both footersoldiers and those of higher ranking, including the “brutal commander of the goblin forces” known as Gonxx.His biography details some of the interesting point about the vasteness of this army, and the "labyrinthine tunnels" where they live.
The true scope of the goblin army can only be imagined by those with the greatest imagination. A seemingly infinite number of evil soldiers seep through mile after mile of labyrinthine tunnels in the Gobhollow Caverns deep beneath the Grayvein Mountains. Gonxx, the brutal and hulking commander of the goblin forces, not only wields the power and skill to lead, but he also possesses a prodigious ability to strategically categorize and command his legions. Now aligned with The Legion of Arethyr, Gonxx and his army bring an indestructible and horrific force to the fight for Mythoss.
Joining King No’Glin and his commander Gonxx are an assortment of goblin characters, from the assassin Knubnik to the thieving Snagg – and of course the legions of this army are populated by the nameless hordes of the Goblin Legion Builders!
All of these gobln figures were released into the Realm of Mythoss, and into the collections of Legionnaires worldwide, during the Advent of Decay wave. When asked about the addition of numerous goblin characters to the Mythic Legions line, Eric Treadaway explained that once he started sculpting these mischievous little characters, he couldn't stop! He even explained that he ended up sculpting way MORE goblins heads than we saw in that Advent of Decay wave! Fan would not know it at the time, but many of those heads were tooled at the same time as the Advent figures, allowing the studio to drop brand new goblin heads and characters into subsequent waves as the army fo Gobhollow continued to expand!
The Goblin Army Grows
The next goblin we got in the Mythic Legions line was in the Siege at Bjorngar wave in the form of the goblin archer, Thwikk. His bio delves deeper into the backstory of Gobhollow, where we learn a bit about its perimeter defenses.
The Goblins of Gobhollow usually stay deep in the caves and caverns that make up their kingdom. However, when necessary, they will sometimes send parties out from the depths of the mountain and into the light. These small groups scout for oncoming danger, hunt for sustenance and generally wreak havoc and mayhem wherever they go. Thwikk, an expert marksman known for his deadly crossbow and menacing grin, leads the band of bowmen who protect the perimeter entrances to Gobhollow. With his sinister wit and his penchant for causing pain, Thwikk is counted on to provide a key line of defense for his brethren who dwell behind the mountain walls of Gobhollow.
One interesting point of note here is that this bio confirms that the Cavern Goblin do venture outside of the depths of Gobhollow. That is a chilling realization for the peaceful denizens of Mythoss knowing that the masses of the Goblin Army could emerge from their holes at any time to wreck havoc upon the land above!
Gobhollow and its perimeter are not the only places Cavern Goblins can be found in Mythoss. King No’Glin’s own nephew, the goblin commander named Thumpp, was sent out with a band of Gobhollow’s finest soldiers to fight for Gorgo Aetherblade, honoring the alliance that had been struck with the Legion of Arethyr – or so it would seem. The bio for Thumpp explains that “while braving the Wasteland of Bjorngar, Thumpp finds himself not only struggling to survive, but also desperately trying to recall the details of a shadowy plan laid out by his uncle before he left Gobhollow.”
There is obviouisly more to the plans of King No’Glin and Gobhollow than it would seem, and anyone who would strike a deal with a goblin should be mindful to watch their back very closely!

Woodland and Swale Goblins
Commonly known as “Fuzzmunks”, Woodland Goblins are incredibly rare. The lone member of this elusive sub-race of goblin we have seen is the relic master named Thistlethorn.
Loyal to Artymss Silverchord and Xylona’s Flock, Thistlethorn is not what you would likely imagine a “goblin” to be, but Mythoss is an incredible diverse Realm, and this heroic Fuzzmunk is evidence that there is good in every race all across that Realm. According to his bio:
As one of the last of the elusive Woodland Goblins, the relic master Thistlethorn has dedicated himself to preserving the history of Mythoss. Fascinated with ancient weapons and artifacts from an early age, he has always had a predilection for spotting and acquiring the most precious of objects. Now serving Queen Artemyss Silverchord, Thistlethorn is the guardian of Castle Silverhorn’s greatest treasures including The Silverchord, a sacred weapon inherited by Artemyss to aid in her fight against the emerging evils seeking to corrupt all of Mythoss.

On the opposite side of this "good versus evil" divide is another rare goblin subrace known as Swale Goblins. The lone member of this subrace that we have met so far is the vile Mephitor, whose bio reads:
An outcast who hails from the Swale region of Xylonia, Mephitor is a cunning spy who exploits his unique knowledge of his homeland to spy on members of Xylona's Flock. A treacherous traitor loyal to none, this scoundrel is willing to work for anyone wealthy enough to pay his price. With a foul ability direct a spray of toxic gas in his enemies' direction, Mephitor's attack is as unpleasant as it is deadly.

Helphyre Goblins
While not true goblins, the fiery “Helphyre Goblins” are often classified alongside this race. Considered “dark mirror reflections of the bog goblins and their kin, the Helphyre are a far more beastly creature. If their fiery broiling plasma vomit isn't terrifying enough, their painfully poisonous skin, nails, and teeth keep even the bravest warriors at bay.”

Sneaky Goblins Entering Mythoss
Goblins are devious and sneaky characters, and this trait was extremely evident in the artwork that Nate Baetsch put together for the packaging for the Deluxe Legion Builders wave. On that package, the "Deluxe Goblin Legion Builder" that was part of that wave was showcased, but sharp-eyed fans also noticed that he was joined by a pair of other gobbos who had yet to be seen in the Realm of Mythoss! This artwork can be seen below.

It wouldn't take long for fans to be introduced to one of these new goblins, as the alchemist known as Swigg would be revealed as part of the "Mythic Legions: All Stars 5+" wave shortly after this artwork was revealed! The bio for Swigg was a fun one in that it opened up incredible new possibilities of the kinds of goblins we could possibily see in the line in the future, and for some of the crazy, potion-fueled abilities those goblins may wield! That bio reads :
Goblins are the smallest and least powerful of the Impure, a fact which has long bothered King No’Glin. Wishing to increase the importance of the goblin army to the machinations of Gorgo Aetherblade, the goblin king has tasked his chief alchemist with creating magical elixirs to give to his goblin soldiers. Hidden in his lab in the depths of Gobhollow, Swigg brews potions that grant those who drink them abilities such as unmatched strength, impenetrable skin, the ability to fly or to turn invisible – that is, of course, if the potions work as intended! Not all of Swigg’s concoctions perform as planned, and taking a drink of one of his potions is always a risk.

More Goblins and Goblin Customs!
Have we seen all the sub-races of goblins who inhabit Mythoss or all of the characters we will get from the subraces we have already seen? Not even close (there is, after all, one more goblin in that piece of art from Nate). Rest assured that we have plans for more representatives from the goblin sub-races covered in this article, as well as new goblinoid relatives who have yet to make themselves known, but who will certainly rise up to wreck havoc or fight for justice as part of the ongoing story of Mythic Legions.
Goblins have also become a favorite source of inspiration for the Mythic Legions customizing community! Below is a photo mixing many of our normal goblin figures with some custom creations! How will YOU build out your goblin army and populate the caverns of Gobhollow?

First published on 08.07.20
Published on 08.19.22