News Update
The voting for the next wave of All Stars is going strong! Many of you have already cast your votes for your favorites and we are starting to see some characters pulling ahead of the pack! If you haven’t cast your vote yet, you do still have some time as the polls will close on next Friday morning, 1/24.
If you ARE subscribed to the Four Horsemen’s newsletter but you did not receive an email, here’s some suggestions:
- Check your Spam folder. Your email provider may have placed it there by accident. A good 50% of the messages we have received from fans who said they did not have the email found it once they checked their Spam folder!
- If you still cannot find the email, your mail provider may have blocked the message for some reason. We suggest that you “whitelist” This is an easy process, but each mail provider does it slightly differently. Google “how to whitelist an email in (your mail provider here)”. This will explain how to do this in Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or whatever other email you use.
- We’re going to be sending out a reminder email to everyone who’s signed up for the FourHorsemail newsletter, and to all newly signed up newsletter members, this coming Friday afternoon. If you whitelist Surveymonkey by then, you should receive this second email to cast your votes!
If you were NOT subscribed to the Four Horsemen newsletter before last Friday when we sent the emails out, you can do so by going to and scrolling to the bottom of the page. The form to sign up is there. We will be sending the final emails this coming Friday, so get on the list before then if you want to vote!
NOTE that the Four Horsemen newsletter is different from the Kickstarter announcements and the Megalopolis emails! To receive this voting emauil you must be on the StoreHorsemen emailing list as detailed above!
Thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm for Mythic Legions: All-Stars 3 and for taking the time to let us know who YOU want to see including in this next wave!

Published on 01.13.20