News Update
You campaigned. You voted. You waited…and that wait is almost over! We are incredibly excited to announce the release of the next Mythic Legions All Stars wave – and as promised, we have something special lined up for all you Legionnaires!
While we have some details to reveal today, we are not ready to give up all the surprises just yet! Instead, we are dubbing July - “The Epic March Towards All Stars 5+!”
The preorder for Mythic Legions: All Stars 5+ will begin on Friday, July 29th at 12pm EST on At that time, the entire Mythic Legions: All Stars 5+ wave will be available for preorder! So, why are we calling this wave “5-PLUS”? Simply put, because this wave will include items unlike any we have ever seen in an All Stars wave before!
- We will have All Stars winners as voted on by the fans!
- We will continue our tradition of “Power-con Tribute” figures and there will be some of these in the wave as well!
- Our first ever “Mythic Legions Heads Pack” will be in the assortment!
- Finally, we will have some BRAND NEW, never before seen figures available as well.
This is WAY more than a normal All Stars wave, which is why we are calling it 5+!
So, when will you know which figures are in this wave? We have something cool to announce on that front as well. Rather than streaming a live reveal special like we’ve been doing with our waves recently, we decided to partner with some fans in the Legions community to help us do these reveals. During the entire month of July, these fans and creators will be dropping interviews, review videos, and posts revealing the figures of this wave! Of course, we will repost their reveals and will also be sharing them on our own social channels and website. Here are the creators to be on the lookout for as part of this month-long reveal party!
- Legions Lounge - with Trevor Williams, Nate Strong, and Bill Drewnowski
- Nerdzoic
- Toy Bro
- Legions Lair – with Michael Casper and Brad Jones, exclusive to the Mythic Legions Cabal
- D Amazing
- LegionsCast
- Mr. Alan in the World of Toys
- Toy Hype USA
- Pixel Dan
We will also have Chris and George to do a reveal on the weekly “Four Horsemen O’clock” show on our YouTube Channel (after all, we can’t have George complaining that they never get a scoop)!
So…who’s excited for “Mythic Legions: All Stars 5+”? Wait…you want at least one reveal now? OK – the FIRST reveal from this wave, and the undisputed winner of the All Stars 5 voting process…the Mercurian Gladiator from the Coliseum wave…RAHMULUS!!!
Who else will join Rahmulus in this very special wave? Keep your eyes open all month for more All Stars 5 reveals!

Published on 06.28.22