News Update
We are excited to announce that Four Horsemen Studios will be attending May's ToyConNJ event in Wayne, NJ - and we are bringing the LARGEST selection of Mythic Legions items we have EVER sold at a convention along with us!
ToyConNJ takes place on Saturday May 22 and Sunday May 23 at the Wayne PAL, 1 Pal Drive, Wayne, New Jersey. This show is always a great time, with rooms of vendors offering a variety of products, but this one is sure to be one of the best to date! Not only will we have a ton of product for sale at our tables, but we know that toy fans are clamoring to get out and get back to shows! That being said, safety protocols will still be in place at this event. Here is what you need to know:
- Masks must be worn by everyone in attendance at all times. Even if you've been vaccinated, you need to have a mask on and social distancing guidelines will be observed.
- The show will only be able to allow so many people in at once, so be sure to get there early to get your place in line (9am early bird entrance, 10am regular admission)
- NO tickets will be sold in advance. All entry is at the door only (once again, get there early if you want to get into the show early!)
- All sales at the 4H table will be cash only. Limits on certain items may be imposed early on to ensure as many fans as possible can get their hands on some new Mythic Legions.
In addition to the items for sale, members of the studio will be in attendance to greet Four Horsemen fans and chat with Mythic Legions collectors! We hope to see you there.
For more information on ToyConNJ, check out

Published on 04.28.21