News Update
Mythic Legions fans already voted on who the first four characters that would be included in the Mythic Legions: All-Stars 4 line-up would be - Tibius, Vitus, Scaphoid and Sir Owain - and today we're revealing the other characters in that wave.
Revealed for the first time anywhere, here are the three remaining characters who will be fill out the Mythic Legions: All-Stars 4 line-up!! The emerald enigma of the swamps of Mythoss - Bryophytus! The disgusting denizen dark woodlands of Mythoss - Mephitor! And last, the massive monstrosity from within Mythoss's forests - Forest Troll 2!!

The preorder for this wave will begin on the evening of Tuesday March 2nd on Store Horsemen (, and will run for about a month. More details on all of that, and other character images and details to follow.
PLEASE NOTE: Bryopytus & Mephitor are going to be our Power-Con debut figures for this year. They will be sold during the 2021 Power-Con (and hopefully AT Power-Con if the pandemic allows) at a slightly higher price than through this pre-order, and you'll be able to get those two figures there first - potentially months before the full All-Stars 4 wave ships out to customers. But please note that we only sell VERY limited numbers of those figures during/at Power-Con so you're NOT guaranteed to be able to get one there. Even though you'll be getting them at a later date through the Mythic Legions: All-Stars 4 pre-order, you'll be guaranteed to get them if you do pre-order.

Published on 02.28.21