News Update
It's that time again! The chance for Legionnaires to make their voices heard by choosing which previously released Mythic Legions figures should be given the distinction of being named a "Mythic Legions: All Star"! Emails have been sent and should have hit your Inbox by now! If you don’t see it, please check your Spam/Junk folder, since these emails from often end up there. Everyone who is on the mailing list at has been sent this email. If you are not on that list, you can subscribe at the bottom of that website. Additional emails will be sent to new subscribers in the coming weeks. So, all that being said, what does this year’s vote look like? We told you to expect the unexpected, and we have some surprises lined up for this year’s All Stars vote!
First off, we have selected 20 worthy warriors for your consideration (all of which are now shown in this accompanying image) - BUT we are doing things a bit differently this year. Instead of one combined list, we have broken these warriors down into 3 separate groups. We are asking you to select your TOP choice from each group! We know it will be a difficult decision since ALL of these figures are worthy of a second chance on the battlefield, but alas as in any battle there must be those who rise in victory, and those who fall in defeat!
In addition to these All Star figure choices, we will also ask you to select 2 head sculptures from some presented options to be included in the first ever Mythic Legions: Heads Pack! Note that when you make these selections, you are choosing the sculpture itself, not the paint deco, since any winning heads WILL be presented in a brand NEW look in the final release of the Heads Pack.
Fans get 1 chance to cast their votes. Voting began on 3/2 and will end in 2 weeks on 3/16. At that time, the results will be tabulated. Exact details on how this year's All Stars will be released will come at a later date, so get your votes in NOW and then stay tuned to our social channels and website for details in the coming months (trust us, the wait will be worth it)!

Published on 03.03.22